Budgeting Tools
I used to be extremely smart with money. I paid extra on the few bills I had and only used a credit card to build credit (always having the cash to pay it right off). Over time I got married, had more kids and we have had a home to fix up, vacations to take, things to buy, etc! I have been feeling a little overwhelmed with the amount of credit cards we have and I have decided to take the steps to get rid of it!
I knew I needed to have some sort of system in place to keep me organized and motivated. I love Dave Ramsey's advice but wanted to take it a little further. Lindsay over at One Beautiful Home Blog has the neatest printable workbook for debt! It has a websites and passwords sheet, yearly bill tracker, snowball worksheets, etc. It is the perfect yearly overview without getting me too overwhelmed!
The last thing I will be using is this awesome excel spreadsheet from Trees Full of Money! You put in your debt, interest rates & minimum payment and it shows you when you can have everything paid off!
I will also be cutting back on impulse purchases (gas station sodas, snacks, etc), trying to stick with a food budget, and realizing what is a need and a want!
I have some small goals and some important reasons for wanting to do this.
I want more time with my kids
I don't want to feel tied down because of bills
I want the freedom to save for something and pay for it (not on a credit card for 10 years)
I look forward to sharing my progress!!!