Friday, October 8, 2010

Furniture Updo- Bookshelf

My mom gave me a bookshelf (which we needed really bad!).  It was a light oak color which just did not match my house colors whatsoever.  I have cherry wood and black for everything.  I wanted to be able to use this right away and did not have a lot of time to spend on it so I decided to spray paint it.  I am very happy with how it turned out!  It works great in my daughters bedroom for all of those Scholastic book orders- I am completely addicted lol  I have a table I want to stain using "ebony" and I will decide which look I like better but for now this really dressed the bookshelf up.  Sorry I didn't take before pictures.  My  camera charger went missing for awhile.

Do you prefer to stain or spray paint furniture??  I would love links to anything you have redone!!  I am just getting started and welcome all tips. Thanks for stopping by :o)

1 comment:

  1. Hiya... I painted a cabinet in the kids room.. It was an old cabinet... and this is what we did... We used normal paints.. water based.. and then acrylic on top for the design.. Have a look and let me know what you think... :-)


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